Westmount prepares its facilities

The government of Quebec announced on Saturday, May 30, that pools and playground structures can now open. Municipalities must now prepare, coordinate and organize these reopenings. The City of Westmount understands Westmounters’ eagerness to return to a semblance of normalcy and we are moving hastily to have our facilities ready in a timely manner.

The Westmount pool is being cleaned, staff is being hired and trained, and we are reviewing the guidelines from la Direction de la santé publique and the CNESST concerning restrictions, scheduling and capacity requirements. The Sports and Recreation Department hopes to announce the official pool opening date shortly. Stay tuned.

Parks and green spaces are open, however play structures remain closed until proper hygiene procedures and measures can be implemented to maintain the safety of citizens and reduce the propagation of COVID-19. We highly encourage you to continue to observe the recommended hygiene measures, like handwashing, physical distancing and wearing a mask when visiting these public spaces.

As for water fountains, they will remain inoperative to minimize the risk of spreading the virus. We encourage you to carry water bottles when visiting public spaces. You can refill your bottles within the comfort stations and bathrooms.

The recommended hygiene measures remain a priority due to the ongoing presence of the virus. We urge you to continue frequently washing your hands, keeping a distance of 2 metres from each other, avoiding gatherings and wearing a mask. This situation is a long and challenging one, which is weighing heavily on all of us. We thank you for your support and understanding. We will get through this together.