Turcot Project: Partial Closure of St. Jacques as of April 10 2017
The ministère des Transports, de la Mobilité durable et de l’Électrification des transports advises road users that significant closures will be implemented on St. Jacques Street between St. Rémi and De Courcelle as of April 10 until July 2017. These barriers are necessary in order to continue the reconstruction of St. Jacques in this sector.
As of April 10 until July 2017:
- Full closure of St. Jacques St. eastbound between St. Remi and De Courcelle streets
- Full closure of one of two lanes of St. Jacques westbound between St. Remi and De Courcelle streets
For more information on the Turcot Project and its work sites, see the Current Works section of the Turcot website.