Department directory

The City of Westmount has over 250 employees contributing daily to your quality of life.

Your municipal government is made up of managers and skilled professionals dedicated to their work. They collaborate daily to improve your quality of life and provide you with the services you are entitled to. Some services are well known, others less. Learn more about them here!

Contact a department:

Westmount Assistance is a centralized service counter and hotline where residents can inquire about city services, report issues, or seek assistance. Come see us at City Hall or contact us by phone or email to get answers to your questions or be directed to the appropriate Services or resources.

Address: 4333 Rue Sherbrooke Ouest
Westmount, Québec
H3Z 1E2
Telephone: 514 989-5200

      • Address: City Clerk’s Office,  4333 Sherbrooke Street West, Westmount, Quebec, H3Z 1E2
      • Email:

Click here to fill or to download the official claims form.

  • 514 989 5200
  • Westmount City Hall, 4333 Sherbrooke Street West, Westmount, Quebec, H3Z 1E2

The role of the Communications Department is to support Westmount City Council and all City departments in producing clear and accurate information about municipal regulations, services, policies, and activities. It advises on policies and guidelines that ensure high-quality and consistent communications in keeping with the mission of Council, the role of the administration and with the public image of Westmount.

The Department is responsible for assessing the City’s communications needs and for making recommendations on the resources, tools, time and budget required to carry them out in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

The Department works closely with the Director General’s office, City Council and with all of the municipal departments.

  • Address: Victoria Hall Community Centre, 4626 Sherbrooke Street West, Westmount, Québec, H3Z 1G1
  • Telephone: 514 989-5226

Victoria Hall is Westmount’s community centre and home to the Community Events Division. The division is responsible for the operation of the building, including the Gallery at Victoria Hall, and the coordination of local events.

Victoria Hall is used for City Council events, cultural and community presentations, and recreation courses offered by the City of Westmount. On any given day, you can find tai chi, music and dance classes, as well as bridge, concerts and theatre productions taking place at Victoria Hall. Please note that rooms in Victoria Hall are not available for rent.


The Director General acts as the chief administration officer of the City. The Director General reports directly to City Council and has full responsibility for the operations of the City. She ensures that the decisions of Council are carried out through the various Department Directors.

General Information

The Director General’s Office is a resource to obtain information on policies approved and enacted by Council.

If you have any special requests or inquiries and aren’t sure which City department to call, contact the Director General’s Office and we’ll be glad to respond or refer you to the appropriate department.

One of the highest priorities of the Director General’s Office is customer service. All City staff are committed to providing the best service possible to Westmount residents. Should you ever have any questions, comments or complaints in this regard, please feel free to contact the Director General’s office.

  • 514 989-5377
  • Public Works Department, 1 Bethune Street, Westmount, Quebec, H3Z 2L2
  • 514 989 5200
  • Westmount City Hall, 4333 Sherbrooke Street West, Westmount, Quebec, H3Z 1E2

The Finance Department is responsible for the preparation of the city’s annual budget, collection of property taxes and other revenues, issuance of all payments, and execution of all accounting operations and procedures to track and report expenditures and revenues. The department is also responsible for the Customer Service Centre at City Hall.

assists the administration in providing the strategic planning to meet the City’s future HR needs by assuring a safe and stable work environment free of labour strife, by providing training or opportunities to build on the competence of current employees and by recruiting new personnel with the required skills.

  • Customer Service Group: Provides assistance regarding services available, billing information, account balance and general inquiries, 514 925-1414
  • Emergency Line: 514 989-5201 (24H)
  • Address: 995 Glen Road, Westmount, Quebec, H3Z 2L8
  • Address: 1 Bethune Street, Westmount, Quebec, H3Z 2L2

The primary role of the Information Technologies Department is to provide information technology services and support to the City. These include Corporate and Departmental systems, Data Communications, Internet, E-mail and Office Systems. Other key services include Technical Support, Public Access Support and Help Desk activities to provide assistance to users and the public at large.

The department interacts extensively with all other departments in providing services and support. Because of the essential requirement of processing information and providing technological services within the organization, the department has a significant impact on the effective functioning of the City.

  • Address: Westmount City Hall, 4333 Sherbrooke Street West, Westmount, Quebec, H3Z 1E2
  • Email:

The Office of the City Clerk serves as the secretariat, clerk, archives and returning office of the City in preparing, organizing, recording, translating, conserving and retrieving City records and related documentation, in handling and processing legal matters, the whole in order to provide information and services required by and conforming to applicable laws and procedures to the City Council and Administration, the public and the media.

  • Address: Westmount Public Library, 4574 Sherbrooke Street West, Westmount, Québec, H3Z 1G1
  • Telephone: 514 989-5300

A source of pride to generations of residents, Westmount Public Library opened its doors on June 20, 1899 and is the community’s most-used public facility. The collection has grown from the original 2,000 to 190,000 items, including audiovisual and electronic media.


Library opening hours:
Monday – Friday 10 AM – 9 PM
Saturday & Sunday 10 AM – 5 PM

Summer Hours

The Library is closed Sundays during the summer from mid-June until the week after Labour Day.

  • Address: 1 Bethune Street, Westmount (Québec) H3Z 2L2
  • Tel: 514 989 5377

The primary role of the Municipal Buildings Division is to manage the operations of the City of Westmount’s Real Estate and the development and management of capital projects in the municipal buildings. The division is also responsible for developing an investment plan, setting priorities and implementing strategies, including managing budgets and available resources.

Call 9-1-1 for emergencies or to report crimes in progress.

  • Address:21 Stanton Street, Westmount, Quebec, H3Y 3B1
  • Telephone: Dispatch (24 hours) – 514 989-5222

The Public Safety Department assists in securing the protection of the Westmount community, enforces municipal by-laws, provides support services to the Montreal Fire Safety Department (Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal) and to the Emergency Measures Organisation. The unit also enhances the crime prevention programme.

The members of the Public Safety Department provide Westmount with a uniformed 24-hour patrol service. All officers are trained in advanced first aid, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (C.P.R.), expandable police baton, and pressure-point tactics.

  • Address: Public Works Department, 1 Bethune Street, Westmount, Quebec, H3Z 2L2
  • Telephone:
  • Address: 10 Bethune Street Westmount, Québec, H3Z 2L2

Purchasing Division

Westmount’s Purchasing Office provides an internal service to all City departments. All purchases of supplies, services and equipment are handled and processed by this division, as well as tender calls for purchases made by the City of Westmount. Purchase, delivery and invoice transactions are recorded electronically using the Purchasing / Inventory Computer Module.

Contract Management Policy

The City of Westmount has established rules pertaining to contract management with a view to promoting transparency, fairness, integrity and sound contract management. The Policy also promotes competition with a view to obtaining the best possible prices, while specifically taking into consideration the quality of goods and services offered, delivery deadlines and supplier reliability.

Consult the full text of the policy and the tenderer’s declaration below.

Quebec database for public contracts

A list of all contracts approved by the City with costs exceeding $25,000 is published in the Quebec government-approved searchable online database SÉAO (Système électronique d’appels d’offres), as required under the Loi sur les contrats des organismes publics (CQLR, chapitre C-65.1).

Consult the SÉAO database at

  • Address: Westmount Recreation Center, 4675 St. Catherine Street West, Westmount, Québec, H3Z 1S4
  • Telephone: 514 989-5353


The Sports, Recreation Department offers a variety of programmes to residents of all ages. Its objective is to help foster a strong sense of community, promoting Westmount as an ideal place to live, especially for young families. With a focus on personalized service, Recreation staff members are available to answer questions and comments regarding all of Westmount’s sports and recreation programmes.

Office Hours

Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Summer Hours (early June to late August)

Monday to Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

    • Address: Westmount City Hall, 4333 Sherbrooke Street West, Westmount, Quebec, H3Z 1E2
    • Telephone: 514 989-5219


Visit the Construction and renovation or the Urban Planning sections for more information or contact the Urban Planning Department if you have any questions regarding renovating and building in Westmount. The staff will assist you with the interpretation of the technical requirements of municipal codes and with the application of the Guidelines for Renovating and Building in Westmount. They will also identify what drawings, photographs and other documents are needed for your application.