Summer Public Spaces back in Westmount!

After the success of the 2020 summer installations, the City of Westmount is pleased to announce their return in 2021. Like last year, the project will target the Victoria Village area as well as Quartier Greene.

Quartier Greene Area
One lane of traffic will be eliminated on Greene Avenue starting at Sherbrooke and the project will be extended this year to Sainte-Catherine. Parking spaces will be moved to the closed lane so that no parking will be lost. The reclaimed area will allow for the installation of temporary public spaces along Greene Avenue that everyone can enjoy for resting and eating, while respecting physical distancing measures. 

Victoria Village Area
Several public parklets offer a small oasis in a busy neighbourhood, as last year. They have been in place since the end of April for anyone wishing to stop by and take advantage of local businesses. Two are located on Sherbrooke Street near Prince-Albert Avenue, while the third is on Victoria Avenue. 

The Greene Avenue installations will be implemented in phases starting in May and will remain in place as long as good weather permits. The City of Westmount continues to adapt to a new reality and to rethink the public space for the benefit of citizens and merchants.