STM: Tunnel Jacking Work at Vendôme Station – weekend of April 19, 2019
It is during the long weekend of April 19 that a key milestone will take place in the construction of the new entrance building to the Vendôme metro station.
There is a tunnel-jacking procedure under the railway tracks. In the long term, it will connect the new metro station to the train station. As this work requires the trains to stop completely, it will be carried out continuously, day and night.
The chosen technique, the Autofonçage© sliding technique, is a Canadian first! To perform this delicate manoeuvre, we will have to cut tracks #2 and #3 and excavate part of the ground underneath. The reinforced and waterproofed concrete tunnel, manufactured directly on site, just next to its final location, will then be pushed by computer-assisted hydraulic cylinders.
The tunnel in figures
- 12 meters long
- 8 meters wide
- 600 metric tons
- The tunnel is moving at 1.5 metres per hour
- 70 metres of rail must be cut on each track to provide the necessary space for the operation
Impacts on travel
Since the trucks will transit through the bus loop surrounding the Vendôme station, some bus lines will have to be temporarily relocated to the station perimeter. These are the stops of the following lines:
- 37 – Jolicoeur
- 90 – Saint-Jacques (east direction)
- 102 – Somerled
- 104 – Cavendish
- 124 – Victoria
In addition, since the rail lines will be cut off, the exo commuter train service will be interrupted. For details about train service, visit the exo website. Moreover, this manoeuvre will not create any hinderance to car traffic.
Impacts of the construction site
Essentially, the inconveniences will be the comings and goings of the trucks needed to transport the excavated soil and backfill. Exceptionally, they will transit through the bus loop surrounding the Vendôme station in order to leave the excavation site. This work will not be particularly noisy and will comply with the noise ordinance issued by the Borough of CDN-NDG.
And what happens next?
The second portion of the tunnel, which will provide underground access to the MUHC through track #1, will be built in early summer. This second tunnel segment will consist of four prefabricated rings that will be placed side by side using a traditional excavation method.
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