Rock excavation and blasting

Gather all mandatory documents marked by an asterisk (*):

  • *A letter describing the scope of the proposed work;
  • *A letter from the building owner authorizing the permit application, if the request is made by a third party;
  • *A letter from the association of co-owners authorizing the proposed modification;
  • *A copy of a recent certificate of location, showing the current conditions of the property;
  • *Clear and color photographs of the existing conditions;
  • *A site plan, scaled and dimensioned, showing the area to be excavated and the potentially affected neighboring properties and the equipment to be used;
  • *A proof of liability insurance;
  • *Construction management document;
  • *Copies of Annex A and B from By-Law 1257, signed by all parties;
  • Seismograph readings (if requested);
  • An official cost estimate, excluding taxes, provided by a general contractor.

This list is a summary. Please note that additional documents or information may be required in order to provide a better understanding of the project and contribute to the request process.

Once you have gathered all the information you can open your file at the Urban Planning Counter in City Hall or open an online application.

  • Applicable fees include the fee for the document analysis; the cost of the permit is separate. Consult the tariffs by-law for up-to-date rates.
  • All files will be analyzed by the Urban Planning Department.
  • The applicant will receive a follow-up via email.

Before the permit can be issued, we will make sure all the documentation requested has been deposited

  • A detailed construction cost, excluding taxes, as provided by the general contractor (tariffs By-law).
  • All other documentation requested that needs to be deposited prior to the issuance of a permit (ex. RBQ form, a site management document, asbestos report, sidewalk deposit, …).

When the file is approved, all the documents are deposited, and the fees are paid, the permit will be issued.