Residential break-ins in Westmount

Please be advised that 13 residential break-ins have been reported in the SPVM Station 12 area over the last month which has triggered special precautions by the City of Westmount and by the SPVM.

It should be noted that the City has taken this wave of break-ins very seriously and we’d like to take this opportunity to inform you of actions being taken to prevent future incidents and maintain the safety of our residents. A strategy involving the SPVM, our own Public Safety Department and some private security agencies has put into place.

Message from the SPVM

The Montreal Police Department (SPVM) is vigorously pursuing its investigation to put an end to criminal activities carried out by a group of individuals who commit break-ins within the territory of the City of Westmount. We have therefore increased our patrols in the area affected by these criminal acts which has the effect of deterring criminals. In addition, all alarm calls are considered high priority. At this time, 4 arrests have been made and others are expected.

When you are absent, we ask that you activate your alarm system at all times because the method of these thieves is to test whether the alarm system has been activated by trying out doors and windows or by breaking a window pane. We invite you to make sure your doors and windows are properly locked, and if your property is equipped with cameras, verify that they are operational. Finally, if you see any suspicious individuals or vehicles, do not hesitate to contact your police service at 911 or Info-Crime at 514 393-1133.

The SPVM and the Westmount Public Safety Department have increased patrols in the residential sectors and will be conducting various campaigns related to home security. Please note that some break-ins occurred due to a second floor window being forced open, we therefore advise residents to lock all windows accordingly.

Please note the following home safety tips:

  • Install a home security system and ensure that it is activated while you are out of the house.
  • Make sure locks are in place and are functioning correctly.
  • Always check through a peephole or window before opening the door when somebody knocks.
  • Keep your doors locked even when you’re home, including the garage doors.
  • Keep all windows locked, even on the second floor.
  • Keep blinds or curtains closed so you don’t advertise what’s inside your home.
  • Store your valuables in a safe or a very clever hiding spot.
  • Protect sliding doors from intrusion by inserting a metal bar or pipe on the bottom track.
  • Request identification if a stranger claims to be a police officer or other government official.
  • Register yourself for a special passing attention with Public Security when leaving on vacation.
  • Cancel your mail delivery while away.
  • Have a neighbour or contractor clean your driveway of snow while you are away
  • Report any suspicious activity around your house or in the neighbourhood to the local authorities immediately.

Should you observe any suspicious activity in your area, please contact 911. The information you provide could assist in the ongoing investigation.