Urban Planning Studies

This section will provide you with some details on studies submitted to the Administration and City Council. We are listening to your concerns. Should you wish to share your opinion, do not hesitate to contact us.

Commercial Area


  • Notes the dramatic rate of vacancy in the shopping area before undertaking any new projects to increase the commercial retail spaces, City Council must help the existing merchant community. Comments about the high taxes paid and the small return in services provided to the merchants, no recycling.
  • Comments about the orphan retail section on the west side of Victoria, below Somerville: commercial space should not be allowed to go right against the sidewalk. Not favourable to expansion of commercial zone further down on Victoria.
  • If the goal is to animate the train station, it is important to animate Victoria and to encourage the creation of small shops for shoppers.
  • The coming of the MUHC might be good for merchants as it will bring more customers walking to the Victoria Village.
  • Comments on the limitations imposed on restaurant occupancies. Restrictions on number of seats were removed but new restrictions were imposed on area. Limitation to 1500 square feet including kitchen and service area is unfeasible as it is too small. Restaurants contribute to viability of a commercial sector.

Major Projects


  • Study fails to include 17 hectares in South West owned by MUHC.
  • There is no proposed train track crossing. Does it make sense to think about crossing tracks to access the MUHC site?
  • The train station is very isolated and inaccessible. Planning should link it to Victoria.
  • Real concern about what the MUHC will do within Westmount city limits.
  • Comments that the MUHC might have a positive impact on the commercial area. It will be good for the merchants if there is a spill of customers who might walk up from the MUHC at de Maisonneuve/Claremont to the Victoria/Sherbrooke commercial area.

The greening of the area


  • The present design solution at the dead end of Prince-Albert/ Sherbrooke is only a wall to stop traffic and could definitely be improved.
  • Favorable to a public square. A design concept was proposed: an alley leading to a central element that could be a fountain surrounded by benches. A Bixi stand at the southern limit and a European style pedestal clock (photo submitted) to provide focus on the Village square. It was suggested to call it ‘’Victoria Green’’
  • Agrees that York Parking lot is a scar in the neighborhood that should be fixed
  • Favorable to more planting at grade level rather than in suspended baskets.
  • Suggests that the existing jersey barrier along the curve on Ste. Catherine be replaced by a planting bed similar to the existing one on Atwater.
  • Concerned by the small size available for development; it was explained that it is more a matter of reducing the paved area and increasing soft coverage while providing a community space for people to gather.
  • Likes the idea of planters similar to the ones found on Atwater but notes that installation of sprinklers is mandatory. (St-Cat curve)
  • More benches must be installed to favour walking.
  • Objects to the loss of additional parking spaces to accommodate a public square.
  • Redevelop the Metro grocery store site to include underground parking or a multileveled parking structure on the existing parking lot.
  • Recommends that more shops be established along Victoria to fill the gap created by the Metro parking lot.
  • Question about the demographics of the area that should be studied prior to making any decision. Who is the ‘’clientele’’?
  • Suggests that the York Parking lot be equipped with meters in light of the coming of the MUHC. Potential additional revenue source.

The Prince Albert Square design proposal

The proposed Prince-Albert Square design was presented by VLAN paysages at the April 8th, 2013 consultation meeting.

The walking & cycling domain


  • Comments on the fact that there is hardly any pedestrian traffic on Sherbrooke and that the City should help those merchants to improve their business prior to improving the circulation going south on Victoria.
  • Use the vacant train station to park bicycles inside the building.
  • Green pedestrian and biking event: two days per year, suggests the blocking of the streets in the village and favor coming by bike.
  • Sidewalks ramps are designed with an improper slope causing dangerous conditions with ice in winter.

Traffic committee


  • Comment that a substantial increase in the traffic on Ste. Catherine was noted.
  • Is it possible to divert truck traffic from Ste. Catherine?
  • With the coming of the MUHC, concerns that traffic will be a nightmare.
  • Comments on the passing of more buses along Claremont.
  • Comments from the Cycling and walking Association that good sidewalk access is crucial and that it is highly desirable to increase the number of people using their bikes to access the village. Notes that there are 6 lanes for cars on Sherbrooke and that a bike path should be introduced in one of them. Supports the idea that a multi storey parking structure be erected in the area to allow for better planning of the village for walking and cycling.
  • Comments expressed by the Visual Arts Center that there is no place to park in the neighborhood and that since the Metro grocery store was renovated, there are more customers coming by car and there is often traffic congestion at the intersection of Victoria and Somerville resulting in a dangerous conditions for pedestrians.
  • Wishes to increase pedestrian and bicycle traffic
  • Increase the number of bike paths and provide more stands to park privately owned bicycle.
  • The parking situation in the village is abysmal and needs to be addressed.

Train Station


  • Suggests a satellite branch of the Westmount Public Library possibly dedicated to researchers interested in finding more on Westmount heritage properties. Recent nomination as Arrondissement Historique might bring more interest on Westmount heritage. Favourable to an occupancy that is not noisy, not polluting, a use connected with the library.
  • There is no integration of the train station to Victoria. It will be difficult to make it commercial as it does not connect to the rest of the Village.
  • Favourable to a flower or food market.
  • Use the square in front of the station as a farmer market to create a sense of community. Could be done during the summer on Saturday morning. Good project to undertake that requires no financial investment and could be monitored over time to see benefits.
  • What is the Victoria Village brand?
  • Use the train station as a heritage center as Westmount is getting more and more recognition.
  • Suggestion from the Westmount Historical Association that the train station being at the end of Victoria should be a destination. Exhibition could address the historical value of Victoria (grey stone buildings of 1890 and Victorian houses for ex.).
  • The ideas for a Farmer market and an interpretation center could be worked out in parallel. Propose an outdoor annual event place in front of the train station.