Exhibition 100 years of architectural excellence

This exhibition features 53 photographs of local buildings in an array of architectural styles, representing architects who were active in Westmount since the founding of the Architectural Commission in 1916, a body that was later renamed the Architectural and Planning Commission and today is the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC).
One hundred years ago, the City of Westmount established this commission to protect its architectural heritage, the first of its kind in Canada. Its first chairman was renowned local architect Robert Findlay, designer of Westmount’s City Hall (with his son Frank) and many other distinguished buildings.
The PAC includes both local architects as well as representatives from Council. Among its activities, PAC works to maintain the aesthetic quality and harmony of Westmount’s built heritage and the surrounding streetscape. In 1995, new bylaws were adopted to promote respect for the city’s rich architectural heritage. In that same year Guidelines for Renovating and Building in Westmount were also adopted.
In recognition of the City of Westmount’s long history of involvement in maintaining and protecting its built heritage, in 2011 Parks Canada designated a major portion of the City a National Historic Site.
The buildings shown have been selected by Bruce Anderson, Westmount architect as well as Director, McGill School of Architecture from 1985-90 and member of PAC from 1994-2003. The photographs, taken in 2015, are the work of Westmounter Derek Drummond, who was Director of the McGill School of Architecture for 17 years (1975-85 and 1990-97) and a member of PAC for a number of years.
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