Municipal by-laws

All municipal by-laws can be consulted at the City Clerk’s Office at Westmount City Hall during regular business hours. Some by-laws are also available for consultation on this Website.

It is possible to obtain a copy of a by-law by contacting the City Clerk’s Office at 514-989-5318 or writing to However, document reproduction fees will be applicable in accordance with the Tariffs By-Law 1612.

If any discrepancies arise between the by-laws provided through this Web site and those kept on file at the City Clerk’s Office, the latter shall prevail for all purposes of the law.

Consult our list of most requested by-laws or use the by-law search engine found at the bottom of the page.

If you cannot find the by-law you are looking for in the Most requested by-laws, please click on the By-laws search engine to access the City of Westmount’s by-laws put online.

By-laws search engine

While the City of Westmount demerged from the Ville de Montreal on January 1, 2006, many of the by-laws adopted while Westmount was still part of the Montreal megacity (2002-2005) remain in force.