Driveway, Walkway, Parking Area

NOTE: No parking apron shall be established in the whole territory of the City between the building line and the sidewalk as per Zoning By-law (1303) Section 5.5.8. This section does not apply to the maintenance of a parking apron built on or before August 3,1998 and for which no notices of violation have been issued at this date, and to the construction of a parking apron for which a permit application conforming to the By-laws in force has been received on or before August 3, 1998.

However the maintenance of a parking apron which contravenes article of the National Fire Code 2010 adopted by By-law 1428 or any other provision relating to security or traffic is in all cases prohibited!

A parking apron = a parking area that was established before August 3, 1998 in front of the building line.

A building line = the specific distance established and measured from the street line in order to determine the siting of a building.

Required documents for review:
Mandatory documents are marked by an asterisk (*)

  • *A letter describing the scope of the proposed works;
  • *A letter from the building owner authorizing the permit application, if the request is made by a third party;
  • *A letter from the association of co-owners authorizing the proposed modification, if applicable;
  • *A copy of a recent certificate of location, showing the current conditions of the property;
  • *Clear and colour photographs of the existing driveway, walkway or parking apron;
  • *Clear and colour photograph or brochure of the proposed materials;
  • A dimensioned and scaled site plan showing the existing and proposed conditions and including the property lines;
  • Calculations of the percentage of hard surface versus vegetated areas, if modified;
  • Specifications of plants and exterior materials, if necessary;
  • A storm water management strategy demonstrating that the post-construction run-off does not exceed preconstruction levels, if modified;
  • *An official and detailed cost estimate for the proposed work, excluding taxes, provided by a general contractor.

This list is a summary. Please note that additional documents or information may be required in order to provide a better understanding of the project and contribute to the request process. (By-Law #1300, article 65, point 14o)

Once you have gathered all the information you can open your file at the Urban Planning Counter in City Hall or open an online application.

  • Applicable fees include the fee for the document analysis; the cost of the permit is separate. Consult the tariffs by-law for up-to-date rates.
  • Important:
    • Repair files true to the original are reviewed by the Urban Planning Department only.
    • All files are reviewed by the Urban Planning Department before being referred to the Planning Advisory Committee and City Council.
  • The applicant will receive a follow-up via email.
  • Your permit will be issued at city hall or sent by email.

Information you need to bring:

  • A detailed construction cost, excluding taxes as provided by the general contractor or a project manager (tariffs By-law).
  • All other documentation requested in the minute that need to be deposited prior to issuance of a permit (ex. RBQ form, a site management document, asbestos report, sidewalk deposit, …).