Rehabilitation of the water main on Prince Albert Avenue
Please be advised that the rehabilitation of the water main on Prince Albert Avenue between Sherbrooke and Cote-St-Antoine, will begin the week of June 15th and is scheduled to be completed by July 31st 2015.
The first phase of the project includes the installation of the temporary water network. In order to complete this transfer, the contractor must close the principal valve within your building. The contractor will leave a notice 24 hours in advance of this work outlining the procedure to follow. The second phase consists of the rehabilitation of the water main on Prince Albert between Sherbrooke and Cote-St-Antoine.
Stone ramps will be installed by the City’s contractor to ensure that the pipes are protected and access to driveway ramps is maintained. Please note that these ramps are temporary and will be removed upon completion of the project.
A temporary parking permit has been provided in the event that your driveway becomes inaccessible during the work. The permit must be placed in your car window and waives time restrictions only (2 hr/ 4 hr maximum). All other parking regulations including street maintenance must be respected.
Several temporary parking modifications will be made on the adjacent streets. These changes will be detailed in a forthcoming notice. As well, please note that as of June 15th, Prince Albert between Côte St-Antoine and Sherbrooke will become a one-way street in the southbound direction.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and we thank you for your collaboration for the duration of the project. Should you have questions concerning the project, please contact Cristian Sipos at (514) 989-5420.