
The TeenZone is a partnership of the City of Westmount and the Westmount YMCA.


The YMCA Teen Zone (located at the north end of the Westmount Recreation Centre) is a place where teenagers between the ages of 12 and 17 can come after school and stay as long as they want. Designed for prevention and personal development, the Teen Zone welcomes all young people in an environment that is safe and free from discrimination, and it’s also free of charge. The Zone provides teens with a wide range of opportunities to form and develop meaningful relationships with peers and adults, and to participate in many different activities, both structured and unstructured.

Volunteering Opportunities

  • Teens to assist in our various fundraising and promotional events.
  • High school students needing placement for community service credit.
  • Field-work placement and supervision for CEGEP and University students.
  • Parents wishing to support our programme and act as liaison with the community.

For more information about the teen zone schedule contact caitlin.zaloum@ymcaquebec.org or melvin-john.herbilla@ymcaquebec.org