Reconstruction work of the Somerville Tot-Lot starts on September 6, 2021
The City of Westmount wishes to inform users and residents surrounding the Somerville Tot-Lot that reconstruction work of the Somerville Tot-Lot will begin the week of September 6, and be completed by the end of October, weather permitting.
The work includes the complete replacement of the children’s playground, the installation of new fencing around the perimeter of the park, new landscaping, as well as new benches and the installation of a water fountain.
Please note than any vegetation growing on, or directly adjacent to the existing City fence on private property will likely be damaged due to the fence replacement. We therefore request that any desirable vegetation or valuables be moved away from the existing fence until the new fence is installed to avoid this damage.
Should you have any questions related to the Somerville Tot-Lot reconstruction, please contact us at