Property taxes: second instalment due May 22, 2024
The deadline for the second property tax installment is May 22, 2024.
Payment of property taxes:
To avoid interest and penalties on unpaid property taxes, property owners are encouraged to make their payments before the due dates. The recommended methods of payment are:
- Electronic payment: through your bank (online or at your local branch).
- Mail Payment: please send a check payable to the City of Westmount and enclose the coupon in your return envelope.
- Credit Card or Bank Transfer: use ACCEO Transphere services (a service charge of 1.98% will apply).
- At City Hall: hand-deliver your cheque in an envelope to the reception desk by the west door during office hours. If the building is closed, please drop it in the designated mailbox on the door (do not leave cash).
Payment can be made in two instalments. An interest rate of 9% per annum will be charged on the unpaid balance. A penalty of 0.5% per month on the outstanding principal will also be charged to a maximum of 5%, over and above the interest charges.
Voilà! Your Online Property Portal
Property owners in the City can now receive and consult their tax bills online on Voilà!
Voilà! is an online portal developed by PG Solutions that consolidates information on a property’s taxation data, assessment notice, and tax details. This information is available to citizens online at any time.
For more details, consult the Taxation & Valuation page or phone 514 989-5200.