Message from the Mayor and Council – May 5, 2020
As we prepare to restart certain areas of our City’s economy we will be making some changes to how we have been operating since we have been in lockdown.
As of May 18, the day on which stores with doors that give directly onto the street will reopen, we will be reinstating our parking meters and parking restrictions for street cleaning and permit parking.
There has been a marked increase in pedestrian traffic on our streets and in our parks as weather temperatures warm, and we will continue to add walking corridors across the City, where they are needed. A reminder that physical distancing of 2 metres is all part of our collective effort to reduce the spread of this virus. When you are walking, in particular on the busier streets, we ask that you walk in the same direction as the vehicular traffic.
A critical part of restarting the economy will be the reopening of the residential construction industry and the resumption of the City’s infrastructure work. Our Urban Planning Department will reopen and our staff will do as much as they can electronically. Also, our engineering team has been preparing to start our infrastructure projects which are critical to the City.
Please visit our website and social media regularly to see any updates and important information. As we prepare for the economy and primary schools to gradually reopen it is critical to continue to respect social distancing of 2 metres. Please continue to look out for one another. On behalf of Council, we thank all the frontline workers who are keeping us safe, fed and healthy.
Mayor Christina M. Smith