Message from the Mayor: 1-3 Hillside project

On January 13, 2023, Council voted unanimously in favour of a project to construct a residential building at 1-3 Hillside to replace the old armoury. The project also received a favourable recommendation from the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC).

Although supported by a large part of the community, the project still faces some opposition from a few residents. This opposition could lead to a referendum that could result in the project being abandoned. That perspective may not be to the benefit of the community as it could open the way for a process authorizing another project less in tune with residents’ expectations. Indeed, since the site zoning is residential, if the project is abandoned, another project could take advantage of the zoning by right to build without going through a public consultation process.

The status quo is not an option. Vacant since 2014, the building has been deteriorating and no longer meets building safety standards.

Before accepting this project, Council was particularly demanding with the developers to ensure that it met the community’s expectations. The current project is therefore the result of a long process as part of a specific construction, alteration or occupancy proposal for an immovable (SCAOPI) that began in 2019 (see timeline below). Modifications were made to the initial project to address comments raised by the community. For instance, the façade of the new building will be moved back a few metres to insert a green area and increase the pedestrian space. The distance from the neighbouring building has also been increased compared to the initial plan.

Evidently, the project includes a construction phase that may inconvenience the neighbourhood. This phase is temporary, and noise mitigation measures are planned. The building will meet green design criteria (LEED) and the project will positively impact the neighbourhood once completed. It will include vegetation (fruit plants, trees, shrubs and grasses) that will attract pollinators and birds. This vegetation will be an urban oasis in the neighbourhood.

The new structure will be built to avoid obstructing the neighbours’ sunlight. The building will be in harmony with the environment and will retain some elements of heritage interest. Studies conducted by the developer have also shown that the building will have a low impact on traffic.

Like the neighbouring building at 11 Hillside, the new building will contribute to the social mix and animation of the area.

To learn more about the project, I invite you to visit


Christina M. Smith
Mayor of Westmount

1-3 Hillside SCAOPI – Timeline

Date Steps
December 17, 2019 Opening of the SCAOPI application
Project: construction of a new 8 storey residential building
February 11, 2020 Public presentation of the project
Under the SCAOPI by-law 148
Spring 2020 to Fall 2020 Review of the project by the Planning Advisory Committee
Evolution of the project: building height changed from 8 to 5  floors
1-3 Hillside (2)
Winter 2020 to Spring 2022 SCAOPI application on hold
In order to advance the demolition request, which was authorized by the Demolition Committee on February 17, 2022
July 14, 2022 Presentation to the Planning Advisory Committee
July 18, 2022 A petition entitled “Petition for a more adequately set back and limited height 1 Hillside construction project” is tabled at City Council meeting
October 18, 2022 Favorable recommendation of the project to council by the Planning Advisory Committee
Project revised since the July version: additional setback of the front and side wall and modification to the garage entrance
1-3 Hillside(3)
November 21, 2022 Adoption of the 1st draft resolution by the municipal council
November 29, 2022 Public notice and posting on the building
Announcement of a public consultation meeting
December 13,  2022 Public consultation meeting
January 16, 2023 Adoption of the 2nd draft resolution by the municipal council
January 24, 2023 Public notice
announcing the possibility of submitting a request to open a register
TBA Opening of a register
TBA (if required) Referendum
TBA (if required) Adoption of a resolution