McEntyre Writing Competition 2025

In 2025, we are celebrating the views from and through your window. When you look through a window, what do you see? What do you hear? We invite you to write about your thoughts on the world that you can see or hear from your window. You can do this through stories, poems, or essays, but always keeping in mind the idea of community.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • What do you see and hear when you look out from your window? Or into your window?
  • Who do you see?
  • If you were travelling by train, plane, school bus or car, what would you see out the window?
  • If you were an astronaut in space, what would you see from the windows?
  • Is your window a window to the world? Or a portal to another world or a different time?
  • What does a window mean to you?
  • Has anything changed since someone, or something last looked out of your window? From moments ago? Or a year or centuries ago?
  • Have you ever looked through your window and seen a reflection?

“A short story is what you see when you look out of the window.”
– Mavis Gallant

What you write is up to you. The aim is to be creative!

You are welcome to write a story, a poem, or an essay. It’s about creativity, not perfect punctuation.

Who can participate?

All students in elementary (grades 1-6) or high school (Sec. I-V) who go to school in Westmount, live in Westmount, or are members of a library in Westmount.

How do I enter?

Please fill in the McEntyre form below.

  • Have your work ready to copy/paste into the form or upload in PDF or Word format.
  • Please do not include your personal information on the actual entry to ensure your work is evaluated anonymously.
  • Your entry should be 1,000 words or less. Longer entries will not be considered by the judges.
  • Only one entry per student, either in French or in English, will be accepted.
  • Students in grades 1 and 2 are asked to submit their hand-written entries on paper. Submissions should be dropped off at the Children’s section.
  • Entries originating, in whole or in part, from artificial intelligence platforms (such as ChatGPT and other similar tools) are not eligible for this competition.

Submit your entry online or at the Library by Sunday, March 30, 2025.

What are the judges looking for in my work?

Judging will be based on creativity, writing style, and logical development of ideas as they relate to community. (Artwork will not be considered as part of your submission.)

What happens if I win?

  • If you win, you will be notified in May, either at home or through your school.
  • You will be awarded a prize, ranging from $20 – $150.
  • In honour of the prize winners, inscribed books will be donated to the Westmount Public Library.
  • All winning entries become the property of the Westmount Public Library.

Who was Peter McEntyre?

Peter McEntyre, a former mayor of Westmount, started this competition to encourage creative writing and foster community spirit.

For more information, call the Westmount Public Library at 514 989-5300.

For more details on the competition, visit the Westmount Public Library website or call 514 989 5300 and select option 2 from the menu to speak to the Children’s Desk.