Government of Canada: Two new funds for women entrepreneurs

The Government of Canada is committed to advancing gender equality, women’s economic empowerment, and supporting women entrepreneurs through the new Women Entrepreneurship Strategy (the Strategy), announced in Budget 2018. As part of the Strategy, the Government is ensuring women across Canada have access to the business supports they need to start or grow a business. Two new funds were launched as part of this new Strategy:

  • WES Ecosystem Fund – The WES Ecosystem Fund is investing $85 million over five years to strengthen capacity within the entrepreneurship ecosystem and close gaps in service for women entrepreneurs. Projects must be led by non-profit organizations (including social enterprises and cooperatives) and be inclusive of the needs of diverse and under-represented women. The deadline to submit an application is November 22, 2018. Learn more at
  • Women Entrepreneurship Fund – As part of the Strategy, the Government is making funding available directly to women entrepreneurs through the Women Entrepreneurship Fund. The objective is to provide support to women to grow their businesses and facilitate their pursuit of opportunities in markets abroad. The Fund is a $20 million investment providing up to $100,000 in non-repayable contribution funding for 12 months.The deadline to submit an application is November 15, 2018. Learn more at

The Government of Canada invites eligible organizations and businesses to submit their innovative proposals for funding.