Goode House: the City’s response to Le Devoir article

In response to an article published in Le Devoir on September 2 entitled “Aucun intérieur historique n’est protégé par les municipalités” (No historic interior is protected by the municipalities), the City of Westmount wishes to clarify and remind the public of certain elements regarding the Goode House:

  • As far as the interior of the building is concerned, no demolition permit has been requested or issued by the City of Westmount.
  • The permit application that has been authorized is for the exterior of the building and is limited to the dismantling of 0.5% of the supporting masonry.
  • The project behind this demolition request is to expand downward three existing openings on the rear façade to connect the main building with a proposed addition. It is important to note that these changes to the openings will not be visible from the exterior, as they will be integrated into the addition at the rear of the building.
  • All buildings in Westmount are categorized to determine their level of heritage value and the degree of protection afforded to them. As a building of exceptional value, the Goode House falls into category 1*, a category where possible interventions are most limited.
  • The City of Westmount has a very restrictive demolition bylaw. For example, an enlargement of a building opening by only 15 cm downwards requires a demolition permit involving the same process as a demolition application for the entire building.
  • The Goode House municipal citation by-law recognized six character-defining elements that convey the heritage value of the interiors: the staircase to the upper floor, the interior doors and shutters, the woodwork and plasterwork, the fireplaces, the softwood floors and the radiator covers. All of these elements will be restored, with the exception of the staircase, which will be rehabilitated in the spirit of the original design to comply with the safety requirements of the Quebec Construction Code.
  • This project is the result of three years of administrative preparation and two years of collaboration between the City and the current owners. It is also the result of a rigorous democratic process during which the municipal council unanimously rendered three favourable decisions that approved minimal interventions to the original building and grounds.
  • This project allows for both the conservation of this heritage building and its rehabilitation as a living environment for a new family who will have restored it while respecting its heritage value for the community.

For more details on this project, the demolition committee resolution, and the demolition by-law, please click on this link, and consult the demolition application for 178 Côte-Saint-Antoine.