Lecture: “We take care of our own.” Westmount, a socially distinct microcosm, 1920-1970.
Lecture on Westmount’s history as part of the City’s anniversary celebrations.
“We take care of our own”. Westmount, a socially distinct microcosm, 1920-1970.
With Anthony Chiasson. BA, MA, Sc. PhD. Division Chief Archives and Records Management, City of Westmount
Historically, Westmount has stood out among other municipalities in the Province of Quebec. We will examine what makes the City of Westmount so socially different from other cities. This unique social identity is the result of local government’s involvement in the daily lives of its citizens as well as the active participation of the citizens in the social, economic and cultural development of their city. The relationship between the City’s administrators and its citizens was crucial in the emergence of this unique social identity.
(in English)
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Info: 514 989-5226