Special Tree Distribution

Westmount residents may obtain 1 (one) tree free of charge from the selection below. This year, the tree selection is composed entirely of native species that greatly benefit the local urban ecosystem. Consult the photos and descriptions by clicking on the buttons below. Each tree is delivered in a small, 2 gallon pot that is easy to manoeuvre (saplings are roughly 80 cm  tall).

Please note that the number of trees is limited and will be made available on a first-come, first-served basis for planting on private property in Westmount. Your choice of tree for the spring 2024 distribution will be delivered to your home by the end of April.

Trees offered by the City under this program must be planted on private property within the City of Westmount, may not be resold, and are not intended for commercial use. The trees delivered are in good health. Please note, however, that if the tree you receive dies or deteriorates, the City will not be liable to replace it.

Varieties available in spring 2024: 

Eastern larch (Larix laricina)

Yellow birch (Betula allenghaniensis)

White spruce (Picea glauca)

The trees available for distribution for the year 2024 are now all assigned to residents. These trees will be distributed to these residents in May 2024.