Food waste


The Green Bin program is a very effective way to reduce the amount of material going to landfill and prevent the loss of a valuable resource: food waste.


Since the implementation of food waste collection in 2009, thousands of metric tons of food waste have been diverted from landfills and used to make compost.

The door-to-door green waste collection is done according to 2 distinct collection days (sectors).

The interactive map of the collection sectors allows you to know the collection days for your address.

Raw, cooked or rotten solid food :

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Meat and poultry, including bones, skin and entrails
  • Fish and seafood, including bones and shells
  • Solid dairy products and eggs, including the shells
  • Pasta, bread, rice and cereals
  • Cakes, biscuits, candies and sweets
  • Coffee grounds, filters and tea bags
  • Nuts and shells
  • Animal food

Other materials:

  • Soiled paper and cardboard (food boxes, cardboard dishes, etc.)
  • Paper towels, napkins and tissues
  • Indoor plants and cuttings
  • Cork (natural)

(Please note that garden waste is collected separately by the City)

  • Recyclable and non-organic materials
  • Liquids (soup, milk, juice, coffee, oils, fats, etc.)
  • Hazardous household products
  • Plastic, aluminum, styrofoam or waxed packaging
  • Elastics and identification stickers
  • Wood, ashes and plastic corks
  • Chewing gum and cigarette butts
  • Disposable clothing, fabric softeners and cleaning products
  • Diapers, sanitary products, cotton stems and make-up remover wipes
  • Hair, feathers, fur, dead animals, litter and excrement
  • Vacuum cleaner bags and their contents
  • Oxo-biodegradable or biodegradable bags
  • Garden waste (collected separately by the City), soil, stones and sand

Consult all the essential information about waste collection and discover helpful tips!

At a glance, see all the scheduled collections dates for the year for single family homes and buildings of 1-8 units.

Everything you need to know about food waste and green bin collection.

Use this handy chart to answer the question “where does it go?” when sorting your waste.


Although compostable plastic bags are accepted, their use is not recommended as they take too much time to decompose and eventually have to be removed from the compost at the treatment centre. Using paper bags or wrapping food in newpaper are the recommended options.

Oxo-biodegradable or degradable bags are not compostable. Oxo-biodegradable bags found on the market are made of conventional plastic to which an additive has been added.

Only certified 100% compostable plastic bags with one of the following certification logos are accepted in the green bin:


  • Food waste represents about 25% of the contents of a garbage bag
  • Burial of food waste contributes to groundwater contamination and to the production of methane, a greenhouse gas 25 times more powerful than CO2
  • In addition to being polluting, landfilling is expensive for cities and taxpayers
  • The Quebec Residual Materials Management Policy aims to prohibit organic materials in landfills.
  • Composting is the process of biological digestion of organic matter. It results from the action of microorganisms breaking down organic matter, such as food residues, in the presence of oxygen. This produces a soil rich in fertilizing compounds: compost.


Since May 2009, food waste collection for single-family homes and multi-unit dwellings of 8 units or less has been available to any address wishing to participate in the program. The collection service and 45-litre bins are free for all!


Keep your green bin clean and dry by placing a few sheets of newspaper or paper towels at the bottom.


Add a compostable plastic or paper bag inside the bin.


Wrap your food waste in newspaper or place it directly in your green bin.


In 2018, the City of Westmount extended its composting program to buildings with 9 or more units, institutions and businesses. Collection and bins are available to all for free! A 7-litre kitchen counter bin is offered to every residents, and large 240-litre shared bins are offered to buildings and businesses.

Since May 1, 2024, multi-dwellings of 9 to 29 units are obliged to participate in the food waste collection.

Multi-dwellings of 30 units or more, institutions and businesses can participate on a voluntary basis.


Add a compostable plastic or paper bag inside your kitchen counter bin.


Wrap your food waste in newspaper or place it directly in your bin.


Tie the bag or fold down the newspaper and transfer the contents into your building’s green bin.


To line your bin, use:

  • Absorbent paper or paper bags
  • Newspaper, leaflets or cardboard boxes
  • Paper food waste bags
  • Certified 100% compostable plastic bags with one of the following certification logos

  • Sprinkle baking soda or salt onto your food residues
  • Hang your bin 18 inches from the ground
  • Keep the bin in a shelter or inside until collection day
  • Apply a mentholated ointment around the opening of your bin
  • Eliminate white grubs by pouring salt or vinegar on them

Organic materials are mainly composed of water. The most important thing to do to avoid odors is to reduce humidity:

  • Wrap your residues in newspaper or cardboard
  • Double your bin
  • Alternate wet materials (table scraps) and dry materials (paper towels, tissues, etc.)
  • Do not pour any liquids in your bin
  • Keep your food waste in the refrigerator or freezer the until the collection
  • Put out your bin for collection every week, regardless of the amount of waste collected
  • Wash your bin with water and a mild detergent
  • Sprinkle baking soda in the bottom of your bin
  • Kitchen counter bins can be put in the dishwasher


Compostable bags for food and garden waste are available at:

  • Canadian Tire, Alexis-Nihon Plaza, 1500 Atwater Avenue
  • Hogg Hardware, 4833 Sherbrooke Street W.
  • Home Depot, 4625 St-Antoine Street W.
  • Pharmaprix, 5038 Sherbrooke Street W.
  • Pharmaprix, Alexis-Nihon Plaza, 1500 Atwater Avenue
  • RONA Le Quincaillier, 2371 Notre-Dame Street W.
  • Walmart, 6797 Newman Boulevard

Remember to look for the following certification logos:

Organic materials are materials that are biodegradable by microorganisms, and therefore compostable. These include food waste, yard waste and other types of waste from industrial and municipal activities.

Table scraps and yard waste are transported and processed in two separate composting centers, so it is important not to mix them. Yard waste, such as plants, lawn clippings, small branches and leaves are collected by a separate collection by City teams. For more details, see the garden waste page here.

Food waste is transported to the Recyclage Notre-Dame composting center where it is mixed with wood chips and placed in swaths. As organic waste degrades, it produces heat. The internal temperature of the swath increases to 70°C, which eliminates pathogens. The composting process takes about six months and the finished product is used as soil fertilizer. Since the residues brought in are minimally sorted, it should be noted that it is very important that the green bin only contains compostable materials.

Due to health and safety concerns for employees who pick up materials, waste placed in the green bin must be packaged in newspaper, paper bag, or compostable plastic bags. It is important not to deposit bulk residues in the bin, as this may create odor and cleanliness problems.

Organic matter is composed mainly of water. In the presence of liquids, anaerobic decomposition of the materials occurs, which can cause odors. The essential thing to do to avoid odors is to limit the humidity in the bin. Wrapping the residues in newspaper before putting them in the green bin is the best solution. You can also store leftovers in the freezer or refrigerator and put them in your bin the day before the collection, especially during hot weather periods.

If you have a composting unit at home, it is not necessary to stop using it. Residents are encouraged to use the green bin for materials that should not be added to the household composter such as meat, fish and dairy products.