Bicycle Path & Safety

Please take note – If you cycle:

  • without a helmet;
  • while wearing headphones;
  • on sidewalks;
  • and ignore red lights and stop signs

you risk serious injury or death to yourself and to others.

Cyclists must respect the Quebec Highway Code. Bicycles may not be used on sidewalks or park paths with the exception of the bicycle path through Westmount Park. Safety helmets are mandatory and failure to wear one can result in a fine.

The Public Security Unit and officers from Neighbourhood Police Station 12 will be paying close attention to cycling infractions. Violators could receive fines.

Dear Resident of Côte-St-Antoine Road and Westmount Ave.,

We are pleased to announce that the City of Westmount will implement a bicycle route on Côte-St-Antoine Road and Westmount Avenue on a trial basis for the 2016 year. The route will be marked by two painted lines on the roadway.

This trial is a step towards improving the cycling network within Westmount. It is expected to increase safety while accommodating all road users. It will have the effect of encouraging cyclists to use bike routes. Moreover, we expect a traffic calming effect as a result of this trial, as studies have shown bicycle routes lower vehicular speeds.

Currently, Côte-St-Antoine Road and Westmount Avenue handle quite a number of cyclists. Not only are these streets well-suited for a bike path due to their large widths and gentle slopes, but they offer a secondary connection between the eastern and western parts of Westmount.

The Côte-St-Antoine Road bicycle route will be located along the north side of the road, the same side as the existing parking (see diagram and map). The bicycle route of the latter will be designated westbound only. The City has decided not to relocate the parking spaces on Côte-St-Antoine Road. But at the end of the trial period and after analyzing the results, the City will re-evaluate the need for displacement. As for Westmount Avenue, the bike route will be created on the south side and cyclists will ride eastbound. Both strips extend between Claremont Avenue and Argyle Avenue (see map). No space will be lost and no redevelopment is planned for parking on either street for the duration of the trial project.

Should you want more information, please contact Jonathan Auger at 514-989-5560 or revisit this section for details about the progression of the trial project.


This Trial Bike Route on Westmount Ave. and Côte-St-Antoine Road is based on a more comprehensive and collaborative transport model that includes automobiles, cyclists and pedestrians.
Implementing this bike route will not affect the number of parking spaces available to residents.


  • Provide greater access to an active mode of transport for residents and other commuters.
  • Studies have shown that it serves as a traffic calming tool, thereby discouraging through traffic.
  • Provide an east-west access for cyclists.
  • Provide a safer and more collaborative transportation mix for drivers and cyclists.
  • Encourage cyclists to use bike routes in a safer and co-operative manner.
  • Improve road safety.
  • Highlight the City’s leadership in active and sustainable transport.


The route extends from east to west on Côte-St-Antoine Road and west to east on Westmount Ave.

Throughout this project, we invite your participation in creating a safer and collaborative environment for everyone.

The Ad Hoc Cycling Committee presented its public report to City Council at its public meeting on December 6, 2010. It is available below.

 Ad Hoc Cycling Committee report 2010-12-06

The committee’s report references two technical papers – one on bicycle path security and one about the current design of the De Maisonneuve Boulevard bicycle path – prepared by Bourgeois signalisation Inc. These documents are available in French and in paper format only at Westmount City Hall reception and at the Reference Desk of the Westmount Public Library.

The following two reports from Bourgeois signalisation Inc. are also available at Westmount City Hall reception and at the Reference Desk of the Westmount Public Library. Please note that these reports are available only in French:

  • Rapport technique sur la sécurité de la piste cyclable qui traverse le parc Westmount
  • Rapport technique sur la sécurité des usagers de la piste cyclable entre l’avenue Atwater et l’avenue Melville

Westmount has one east-west bicycle path on De Maisonneuve Boulevard, including a section through the south portion of Westmount Park. It links with bicycle paths in Montreal at the eastern and western limits of the City.

A north-south bicycle path on Lansdowne Ave. and Glen Road links De Maisonneuve Boulevard to De Courcelle Street in Montreal, continuing to the Lachine canal bicycle path.

During the 2011 winter season, the City is restricting parking on the south side of De Maisonneuve Boulevard between Atwater and Greene on a trial basis only to keep the cycling path open and to assess the feasibility of maintaining the path year-round in the future.

The Ipsos Descarie company was contracted by the City to design and carry out a survey to obtain residents’ opinions on the following topics:

  • maintaining the de Maisonneuve bicycle path open year-round;
  • installing five Bixi stations in the City;
  • developing a master traffic plan that would encourage walking and cycling.

A random telephone survey of 500 Westmount residents took place between March 30 and April 7, 2011.

The final report is available here.

In addition, a “Periodic Cycling Volume Sample” was taken in January and February 2011.