Consult the information below – you’ll find important phone numbers, prevention and preparation tips, and a list of essential items to have on hand to survive for 72 hours in the event of a major emergency.
911 service
SPVM - Police Department
Neighbourhood Station 12
21 Stanton StreetNon-urgent follow-up: incident reports, road safety, advice, lost items.
SIM - Sécurité incendie
Fire Station 76
19 Stanton StreetInformation, prevention advice, building inspections, incident reports, fire station tours.
Service de la sécurité publique
Station SPW
21, rue StantonInformations, stationnement, bruit et nuisances, sécurité dans les rues et les parcs, animaux perdus, règlements municipaux.
For more information about protective services in Westmount, visit the Safety & Parking section.
As of February 26, 2024, the City of Westmount will implement a new system integrated with its new citizen portal, replacing the CodeRED automated notification system. You will continue to benefit from a rapid broadcast system for receiving important messages and procedures to follow by telephone, email and SMS text for emergencies situations such as major fires, gas leaks or extended power outages.
If you are new to Westmount, or have new phone numbers or a new e-mail address, we encourage you to register starting February 26 by creating your profile on the new portal. All those with a published landline telephone number are already registered to receive these messages. To register your cell phone numbers, private or non-residential phone numbers, or e-mail address, please click on the button as of February 26, 2024.
In Westmount, the notification system is used only for emergency situations.
Major fires
Power outages
According to our policy, the system is used for electricity outages that are likely to last more than 3 or 4 hours, the typical period needed to restore power. Also, it may take up to 30 minutes to program and send messages to a specific area.
Gas leaks
When dealing with a gas leak, the fire department usually requests the shutdown of all electrical circuits in the immediate area of the leak due to the risk of natural gas circulating in underground conduits. When that happens, Hydro Westmount must wait for permission from fire officials before restoring the electricity.
Someone has been intoxicated or poisoned? There’s not a minute to lose. Call 1 800 463-5060.
The Poison Control Centre (Centre antipoison) is an emergency telephone service available 24/7.
Info-Santé 811 is a free and confidential phone consultation service available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Dialing 811 puts you in contact with a nurse quickly for advice on non-urgent health issues. Any Quebec resident can call Info-Santé for themselves or a family member.
Info-Panne is a map of the City that lets you view the status of Westmount’s electrical network in real time.
211 is an easy to remember (2-1-1) information and referral service available 7 days a week, from 8 am to 6 pm, 365 days a year. Dial 2-1-1.
The 211 website (www.211qc.ca) of the Greater Montréal will allow to search for social and community services at all times, whether it be for resources for seniors or for immigrant people, for food or material assistance, affordable housing, youth or family services, assistance for homeless people, education, employment, volunteering and more.
Natural gas is odourless. A very smelly substance is added so leaks can be detected. This substance, called mercaptan, gives off a strong smell of rotten eggs. If you detect such an odor:
- do not smoke;
- do not turn on any appliance near the leak, not even a cell phone or a light switch – static electricity could produce a spark;
- leave the building immediately or move well away from the leak if you are already outdoors;
- without delaying your exit, you could open doors and windows on your way out (or leave them open) to ensure maximum ventilation;
- call 911.
If you are feeling dizzy or nauseous, or you have a headache, especially near a natural gas appliance, leave the building immediately and call medical services at 911.
When severe weather threatens, Environment Canada issues special public weather alerts to notify those in affected areas so they can take steps to protect themselves and their property from harm. These public alert bulletins are issued through the media, as well as through the department’s WeatherRadio service and its weather website.
You can also sign up for weather alerts on Twitter at @ECAlertezQC147 (Montreal region).
The Québec 511 telephone service provides all the information you need to plan a safe trip anywhere throughout the Québec road network. An automated line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, providing information on the condition of the roads. It is also possible to speak to an agent between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Monday through Friday, to obtain information.
The Québec 511 automated line offers the following choices:
1. Find out about the road network conditions;
2. Report an incident, (24 hours a day, 7 days a week);
3. Obtain general information or make a comment;
4. Make a complaint;
5. Obtain assistance.
Online, you may consult the interactive map of the Québec road network, which provides information about the condition of the roads including visibility, about road work, traffic congestion and more.
Quebec 511 also offers a mobile app that can help you plan safe trips on Quebec’s road network. Find out more.
An emergency situation can happen anytime, anywhere. In the case of a major emergency, you must be able to take care of your and your family’s needs for at least the first 72 hours while rescue teams help the most vulnerable people in the community. Would you be ready today if you had to deal with a major weather event, a prolonged electricity outage, a flood or an earthquake?
In a crisis situation, an emergency supply kit will enable you to meet your family’s basic needs while waiting for help or for the essential services to be restored. In addition, having a portable emergency kit will save you a great deal of time if you should need to evacuate your home.
A bit of preparation will make every difference in difficult conditions; take time to consult the steps outlined below and start preparing now to ensure the protection of everyone in your family.

Certain areas are at greater risk than others for different disasters. Knowing the risks in our region can help us better prepare and even prevent certain types of damage.
Knowing what to do before, during and after specific types of disasters will help you protect yourself and your belongings.
Among the serious events that could happen in Westmount and Montreal are severe storms, floods, industrial accidents, extremely hot or intensely cold weather, drinking water contamination and more.

It’s essential that each family member know exactly what to do during an emergency. It’s very possible that you will not all be together the moment disaster strikes, hence the importance of knowing in advance how you will contact each other and how you will find each other if something does happen.
By preparing and discussing your family plan together, you’ll not only save time, but also remain calm during an emergency situation.
Become familiar with your school and workplace emergency plans and make you have on hand all of the essential phone numbers and addresses.

Make sure to always have on hand the basic items to meet your family’s basic needs to survive the first three days of a disaster situation.
For your safety and peace of mind, prepare three kits: a basic emergency kit for the home, an emergency evacuation kit, and a car emergency kit. Make sure to include the vital necessities for young children, seniors, persons with special needs and domestic animals.
Make sure your kits are stored in easily accessible places and check them regularly for items that may need to be replaced.

During an emergency, use every available means to stay informed of ongoing developments: radio, television, notification services, and reliable website and social media sources. Consider including devices such as windup cell phone chargers and radios in your emergency kit.
The City of Westmount uses a rapid broadcast system integrated to the citizen portal, which was launched in 2024 and replaces the CodeRED automated phone notification system. Create an account to receive important messages and procedures to follow by telephone, email and SMS text for emergencies situations such as major fires, gas leaks or extended power outages.
You may also sign up to the Centre de sécurité civile de Montréal’s Community alert service to also receive messages on your mobile devices.