COVID-19: Message from the Mayor and Council – April 7, 2020

As we enter our fourth week of preventative restrictions to address the COVID-19 pandemic, I want to update you on new measures implemented by the City of Westmount to help slow the spread of this virus. I also wish to reiterate that we are counting on you to do your part by staying at home and self- isolating, and when outside, by keeping a distance of 2 metres between yourself and anyone outside of your immediate family.

As the days get longer and warmer this will be an increasing challenge. We have seen groups gathering in the parks and at the Summit and this must stop. If it does not, public health authorities will close them. You will see a greater police presence in all of our parks and they will be handing out fines which will start at $1000.

We have put in measures to allow more space for pedestrians to circulate on our streets:

  • De Maisonneuve is reserved for local vehicular traffic only. This means you will be able to drive on it if you live on or are making a delivery on this street.
  • On Cote St. Antoine we have removed parking to add more space for pedestrians.
  • On Greene Ave between Sherbrooke and de Maisonneuve, one lane of traffic and parking is now reserved for pedestrians.
  • The access to Summit Circle is limited to local traffic only and we are looking at other measures to spread out the groups of people up there. The Summit is an oasis in our City but we must adhere to social distancing if we want to be able to continue to enjoy it.

Soon, you will see a list and map on our website of businesses that are open, such as grocery stores, pharmacies, depanneurs, restaurants offering take-out, and businesses offering e-commerce. If you wish to add a business to this map, please fill out the online form at We need to support our local merchants as much as we can right now. I would like to thank all those who work in grocery stores and pharmacies for continuing to serve and support our residents.

For those who celebrate Easter or Passover, I know the coming days will be difficult not to spend these holidays with your extended families and loved ones. We may be physically apart but we are able to still be connected. This will be the first Easter of my life that I will not spend with my parents. We will be staying home not only to protect ourselves, but to protect the most vulnerable in our community, as well as all the healthcare workers who are working tirelessly caring for patients.

Due to the COVID-19 situation, the City of Westmount has decided to allow local traffic only on certain streets so that a minimal physical distancing of 2m can be respected. The aim is to limit the spread of COVID-19.

Le Panier Bleu, an initiative supported by the Quebec government to boost local business.