Clean Westmount Initiative

Born from a desire to do more to counter the climate crisis, the City has launched the Clean Westmount Initiative. Over the coming year, we will make changes that will impact how waste is managed in our City, and we are committed to helping residents throughout the transition. These changes are in line with the objectives of the Plan métropolitain de la gestion des matières résiduelles (waste management plan) which affects 82 municipalities in the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal, including the City of WestmountThis initiative includes in-person events and the publication of educational content on eco-responsible waste management. Our vision is simple:  

Less waste + Smarter habits = Cleaner environment.

As of May 1, 2024, the following changes will come into effect:

  • Collection points:
    All materials will be collected curbside or along accessible lanes only (no collection in lanes inaccessible to collections trucks).
  • Collection frequency: 
    • For residential dwellings of 1 (single-family homes) to 8 units:
      Garbage collection once weekly between May and September, and every 2 weeks between October and April.
    • For residential buildings of 9 to 29 units:
      Garbage collection once weekly and mandatory participation in food waste collection (composting).  

We want to know what a cleaner Westmount looks like to you! Share your vision and discover all the details of the Clean Westmount Initiative at