Call for applications: Planning Advisory Committee (PAC)

The City of Westmount is seeking candidates to sit on its Planning Advisory Committee (PAC, Comité consultatif d’urbanisme – CCU), established under By-law 1575 in accordance with the provisions of the Act Respecting Land Use Planning and Development.

The mandate given to the PAC by the Municipal Council, in accordance with the by-laws in force, is to review files within its jurisdiction and provide:

  • Recommendations to the Municipal Council, upon request, on all matters related to urban planning, zoning, subdivision, and construction;
  • Advice on applications for minor exemptions (ME), comprehensive development programs (CDP), site planning and architectural integration programs (SPAIP), specific construction, alteration, or occupancy proposals for an immovable (SCAOPI), conditional uses (CU);
  • Advice to the Municipal Council on any other subject provided for by law.

To complete the current composition of the PAC and fill a vacancy in accordance with the by-law, the candidates sought for this mandate must be Westmount residents and members in good standing of the Ordre des architectes du Québec.

The committee usually meets twice a month, on Tuesday and Thursday mornings of the same week, and the meeting schedule is available on the website at

Following the administrative analysis of the applications received, the Municipal Council may, at its discretion, make an appointment by resolution. A member’s term of office is one or two years.

Anyone interested is invited to submit their candidacy with their letter of application and their resume no later than Monday, March 25, 2024 at 1 pm, by filling the online form at