Bulky items collection resumes by registration only

Bulky items collection in 2024 will resume as of the first week of May. The collection will take place on the first Tuesday of each month from May to October. This year, collection will be by registration only.

How do I register?
Submit the registration form for bulky items collection which is now available on the Citizen Portal.

Register before noon on the first Monday of the month to have your items collected on the first Tuesday of the same month.

Where do I place bulky items for collection?
Bulky items must be placed street side (not in the lane) by 7 a.m. on the collection day, the first Tuesday of the month.

Which items are accepted for bulky items collection?
Bulky items collection aims to divert from the landfill items that could be recycled or revalued. Accepted items include:

  • Wooden items: tables, chairs, pallets, boards, doors, etc.
  • Metal items: appliances, BBQ, hot-water tank, etc.
  • Ceramic items: toilet, bath, sink
  • Refrigeration appliances: fridge, freezer, portable or window air conditioner, wine cellar, dehumidifier, water cooler

Learn more about bulky items collection in Westmount.
Access the registration form for bulky items collection. It is also possible to register by phone at 514 989-5311.