Drafting and Analysis Clerk – Administrative Files

Competition #: 2028 - 2018 A
Salary scale: $28.71 to $38.28
Deadline: 12 March, 2018

Purpose of position

The job consists of working with the Director and Clerk to provide administrative and operational support to the Municipal Council and its committees by performing, among other things, the analysis of administrative and technical files, by preparing the agendas, the minutes and resolutions


  • Hold a college diploma in legal skills or any other relevant discipline.


  • Possess two (2) years of experience in a job that allowed you to become familiar with the field of employment, preferably in a municipal environment.

Examples of tasks accomplished

  1. Prepares meetings of the Municipal Council and attends its meeting; drafts the minutes and resolutions arising out of the deliberation of the Municipal Council, including the question period and ensures follows up on those meetings;
  2. Drafts regulations; maintains up-to-date the register of by-laws and their files; ensures the appropriate follow-up regarding the administrative coding of by-laws, and maintains a chronological and alphabetical list of by-laws;
  3. Analyzes administrative or technical dossiers before they are presented to decision-making bodies and obtains, if necessary, additional comments, reports or opinions to supplement them; brings to the City Clerk’s attention, or the Assistant-City Clerk, any discrepancies found in the comments and directives received from the different services;
  4. Translates and verifies the documents of the city which are located to him in conformity with the existents procedures;
  5. Provides the various municipal services with the appropriate technical or information requested after having brought and discussing same with his or her superior;
  6. Acts as commissioner of oaths and perform duties as required; issues certificates of life and residence according to current

Knowledge of:

  • Corporate secretariat and preferably the activities of a municipal registry
  • Microcomputers, including softwares such as Microsoft Office; Knowledge of software “Paperless Council – BeeOn” will be considered an asset;
  • Methods of analysis and research;

Abilities and Skills:

  • Excellent writing ability in both French and English;
  • Be minuscule and demonstrate a critical spirit;
  • To be autonomous and resourceful;
  • Good analytical and synthesis skills;
  • Ability to work in a team and under pressure.

Apply online