2024-2025 Holiday period: changes to municipal services


Please note the following changes to municipal services and buildings during the holiday period:

  • Municipal offices: closed December 24 to January 2 inclusively;
  • Westmount Public Library and Westmount Conservatory: closed December 24, 25, 26 & 31, and January 1 & 2;
  • Westmount Recreation Centre: closed December 21 to January 2 inclusively;
  • Victoria Hall: closed December 21 to January 5 inclusively.

2024-2025 holiday schedule.



  • The Permits Office will be closed December 24 to January 2 inclusively, and the online permit request form will not be available during that period. Fines will not be applied for expired permits during this period, but all parking signage must be respected at all times, including the temporary signage used during snow removal operations;
  • Permits for overnight parking will NOT be required for the nights of December 23 to January 3 inclusively; you will need to register for overnight parking starting January 3, either online from 8 a.m., or by phone at 514 989-5222 from 4 p.m.



  • The Sports and Recreation Office will be closed December 24 to January 2 inclusively; the online forms to apply for a Sports Facility Access Card or a guest pass will be not be available during this period.



  • Food waste and garbage collection on Monday: No change to the schedule;
  • Food waste and garbage collection on Tuesday: No change to the schedule;
  • Recyclable materials: Collection moved to Friday, December 27, and Friday, January 3;
  • Garbage on Thursday and Friday: No change to the schedule;
  • Christmas trees: The City will collect Christmas trees for chipping and composting during the weeks of January 6 and January 13 according to the regular schedule for green waste. Consult the waste collection sector map to find the collection day for your sector. Delays are possible during snow removal operations;
  • Montreal Ecocentres: Closed from December 24 to January 1 inclusively.



The toboggan run at King George Park, and the other outdoor skating rinks will be open as soon as possible, according to the weather conditions. Check the website for updates on the condition of the rinks.



You can request periodic property checks by Westmount Public Safety officers during your absence; complete the online form or phone 514 989-5222.

We wish everyone a happy and safe holiday period and we look forward to serving you in 2025.